
Determining liability in a premises liability claim

May 16, 2018 Legal Team
Premises liability law in Illinois states that every property owner, as well as every non-owner resident, has a responsibility to maintain a safe environment. This means that they may be held liable for any accidents or injuries that happen on the property. There are five principal ways that liability is determined. The first is...
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How insurance companies value injury cases

May 7, 2018 Legal Team
The way your insurance company puts a value on your personal injury may seem reasonable at first, and in some cases, it may provide a 100 percent accurate picture. In the long term, however, many injured people who accepted early settlement offers realize that the value was merely a starting point, and they deserved...
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Hands-free driving devices don’t increase safety

May 3, 2018 Legal Team
Most drivers across Illinois and the United States know that talking or texting while driving is a dangerous practice. To decrease the risk of an accident, many drivers opt to use hands-free or wearable devices in order to text instead. Unfortunately, using these devices doesn’t necessarily make using a phone safe.A recent study done...
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Reinstating your license after an Illinois DUI

April 30, 2018 Legal Team
If you lost your license because of an Illinois drunk driving conviction, it may have a serious impact on many areas of your life. You may find yourself struggling to get to and from work or hold down a job, or you may find that your family is under increased pressure because of your...
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