What happens when a juvenile gets a DUI?
There are zero-tolerance laws in Illinois concerning underage individuals who drink and drive. For a first offense, the arrested party may have a suspended driver’s license for up to two years as well as the consequences the person’s high school or college imposes. There are numerous factors that will affect the penalties a minor faces. For...
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Self-driving car accidents attract media attention
Illinois readers have probably seen news reports about a recent series of accidents involving autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles. The most notorious incident involved an Uber self-driving car that struck and killed a pedestrian in Arizona. However, there have also been several crashes involving Tesla semi-autonomous vehicles that resulted in injuries.Some people, including Tesla founder...
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Determining liability in a premises liability claim
Premises liability law in Illinois states that every property owner, as well as every non-owner resident, has a responsibility to maintain a safe environment. This means that they may be held liable for any accidents or injuries that happen on the property. There are five principal ways that liability is determined. The first is...
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How insurance companies value injury cases
The way your insurance company puts a value on your personal injury may seem reasonable at first, and in some cases, it may provide a 100 percent accurate picture. In the long term, however, many injured people who accepted early settlement offers realize that the value was merely a starting point, and they deserved...
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