Distracted driving increases in the summer
According to research conducted by TrueMotion, drivers tend to be more distracted in the months of June, July and August. They reportedly spend 15 minutes per every hour driving looking at their phones, which is a 10 percent increase over the rest of the year. This conclusion was reached by looking at data from...
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Understanding underage drinking and driving issues
A conviction for driving under the influence is a serious matter for anyone in the state of Illinois. However, the spotlight is brightest on those who are under the age of 21. The good news in Illinois is that DUI arrests for underage drivers decreased between 1986 and 2016. Tougher laws for DUI and...
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Independence Day can feature deadly car crashes
While people in Illinois may associate the Fourth of July with fun, family and celebrations, the holiday can also be strongly associated with danger, particularly in the form of motor vehicle accidents. On Independence Day, record numbers of drivers take to the roads, crowding streets and highways and making accidents more likely to occur....
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New technology may keep drivers away from their smartphones
Smartphones are increasing the number of distracted driving incidents on the roads of Illinois and throughout the rest of America. They have created such an epidemic that many companies are developing technology to stop the harm caused by phones. Whether drivers will use the new technology is another issue; however, a National Safety Council...
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