Why is 0.08 percent the legal limit for drunk driving?
Alcohol does not affect everyone in the same way. A lightweight woman will have a higher BAC than an overweight man even if all the other circumstances (such as type and quantity of drinks) are the same. Physical traits, from food intake to age to overall health, influence how fast and how much each...
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Statutes of limitation in personal injury cases
In the state of Illinois, a person has two years to file a lawsuit in a personal injury case. An individual has five years to file a lawsuit in the event that personal property was damaged. The statutes of limitation are designed to ensure that cases are processed in a timely manner and while...
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GHSA issues report on speeding and traffic fatalities
Illinois motorists may not be surprised to hear that speeding accounts for nearly one third of all motor vehicle-related fatalities. What’s worse is that the numbers are not going down and that many consider speeding to be culturally acceptable. The Governors Highway Safety Association has a report out on how the issue can be...
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Mistakes to avoid after a DUI arrest
If this is your first time getting arrested for a DUI, it is essential for you to stay calm and be mindful of your actions. What you do leading up to your court date could potentially impact the outcome. The law takes a strict stance against alleged offenders. That is why a thoughtful defense is so...
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