Severe traumatic brain injuries increase risk of death
Car accidents happen every day in Illinois. While many of these accidents result in minor damages, some cause a significant loss for those involved in the collision. Severe traumatic brain injuries result from the force of the accident and can increase the patient’s risk of death.Medscape states that severe TBI puts people at the...
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What is the difference between a suspended license and a revoked license?
A suspended license is better than a revoked license. A suspended license comes back on a certain date. So, you may be suspended for three months, a year or three years. If you wait till the end of that suspension and you do not get caught driving, you can go to the secretary of...
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What is involved in a premises liability case?
If you have ever been on someone else’s property and fallen, one of the questions the court may ask you is why you on that property. The reason they want to know is because your legal status or your legal relationship changes depending upon what your purpose was on the property. According to the...
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What are hard injuries?
Hard injuries are severe types of injuries. They cause extreme discomfort and a significant amount of pain and suffering. These injuries receive large accident settlements in Illinois because they have a substantial impact on both your current and future lifestyle. In addition, these injuries can be easily documented by your doctor and thus proven...
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