
Are breathalyzer tests accurate?

March 13, 2020 Legal Team
Even if you’ve never been pulled over for being drunk behind the wheel, you probably know how police will handle a DUI stop. First, an officer might lean in close enough to see if your breath smells of alcohol. Then, the officer might conduct a field sobriety test. Then, at some point, the officer...
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Road rage endangers the lives of others

March 12, 2020 Legal Team
It is not unusual for drivers in Illinois and across the U.S. to feel angry when navigating through heavy traffic. Motorists may get overwhelmed when stuck behind slow drivers or late to an important appointment. AAA reports that at least 80% of American drivers experienced road rage at least once in the past year....
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Severe traumatic brain injuries increase risk of death

March 11, 2020 Legal Team
Car accidents happen every day in Illinois. While many of these accidents result in minor damages, some cause a significant loss for those involved in the collision. Severe traumatic brain injuries result from the force of the accident and can increase the patient’s risk of death.Medscape states that severe TBI puts people at the...
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How to find out if your license has been suspended

March 11, 2020 Legal Team
If you drive with a suspended license in Illinois, you could face a variety of penalties. However, there is a chance that you are driving with a suspended license and don’t even know it. While authorities will likely send a notice by mail, there is a chance that you won’t receive it or mistakenly...
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