Review the rules about distracted driving in Illinois
In July 2019, Illinois introduced new laws governing electronic device use by drivers. The state also increased the penalties for distracted driving violations.As these updated regulations reach the one-year mark, make sure you know the rules about using your smartphone behind the wheel.Prohibited actionsDrivers in Illinois may not open, read or send electronic communications...
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Illinois among top states for speeding-related fatalities
Driving on roads in the Springfield area can be dangerous. There are many drivers out there who don’t obey traffic laws and are putting others at risk. These drivers engage in many risky behaviors that affect thousands of families each year.A recent study by CoPilot, a car shopping app, ranked the top states for...
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Stay alert for motorcycles on the road
Motorcyclists face many hazards on the road. Besides weather and road conditions, a big hazard for them remains other motorists. Many of these drivers may not have as an acute sense for safety as motorcyclists, causing accidents mainly because they are unaware of them being on the road.More than 2,500 injured on state roadsWith...
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Do I need a lawyer for a DUI?
So, flashing lights pull you over and the police thought that you have been drinking. You took a breathalyzer and are now facing charges. It can be overwhelming and difficult to know what to do next. Do you need to get a lawyer? How do you even fight a DUI?Know the potential consequencesAs you...
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