What are the three standardized field sobriety tests?
You may have seen police on television or in the movies giving a drunk driver a variety of field sobriety tests. Perhaps you yourself were pulled over by police on suspicion of drunk driving and were asked to perform a field sobriety test. While there are many ways police can test for inebriation, the...
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3 safety tips for bicyclists
There are few activities quite like riding a bicycle. It is an effective and environmentally-friendly way to reach your destination. Biking is also a freeing experience that can be an excellent workout while allowing you the opportunity to explore the surrounding area. For these reasons, riding a bike has become the preferred mode of...
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Can you take action against a property owner after an injury?
There can be much more to a premises liability lawsuit than the commonly referenced “slip and fall” incident. In some cases, it is actually a “trip” and fall at issue. Or, an injury may have occurred due to inadequate lighting or safety rails on a certain area of a person’s property. Whenever an injury...
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Review the rules about distracted driving in Illinois
In July 2019, Illinois introduced new laws governing electronic device use by drivers. The state also increased the penalties for distracted driving violations.As these updated regulations reach the one-year mark, make sure you know the rules about using your smartphone behind the wheel.Prohibited actionsDrivers in Illinois may not open, read or send electronic communications...
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