Can you file a claim for your poolside slip and fall injury?
For Illinois residents who live in a community with a pool, have a water park nearby or neighbors with their pool, the potential for dangerous situations and injuries increases. If an afternoon of fun turns tragic due to negligence, you may have grounds for a claim.According to the City of Springfield, property owners or...
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Should you apply for a restricted driving permit after a DUI?
From fines to possible jail time, Illinois has some harsh consequences for driving under the influence of alcohol. Residents of the Land of Lincoln also may lose their driving privileges after a DUI arrest. If you must drive to keep your job or for another important reason, a driver’s license suspension may be catastrophic.In...
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Selfie culture may pose a danger to drivers and passengers
People on the road depend on the drivers around them to obey the law. Every person has an obligation to consider the safety of the vehicles that share the road, and that includes keeping cellphones and other distractions put away while behind the wheel. Not everyone does, of course.According to CBS News, car selfies...
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What are the penalities for a DUI in Illinois
Illinois has some steep penalties for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or DUI. These penalties differ depending on what your blood alcohol level is at the time.There are two blood alcohol levels, each with a different severity. If you have a blood alcohol of 0.01 or greater, the courts will prosecute...
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