
What could happen when children trespass on your property?

August 15, 2022 Legal Team
When you own a plot of land, you could notice local children entering it without your permission.Although you may not realize it, there could be many places and items there that can lead to serious injuries for minors.Interactions with dangerous equipmentAccording to Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute, children can often sneak or wander...
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Statistics on drunk driving in Illinois

August 2, 2022 Legal Team
If you currently face drunk driving charges, you likely have overwhelming stress and concerns about your future. It is crucial to familiarize yourself with relevant laws, understanding not only the possible penalties you could face but your rights and strategies to help secure a more favorable outcome as well.It is also helpful for drivers...
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Documenting your injuries after a motor vehicle crash

July 21, 2022 Legal Team
If you get into a car accident and sustain injuries, your life may not look the same for a while. You may be unable to return to work, take care of your basic needs and participate in activities you enjoy.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the U.S., car accidents result...
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What are some psychological consequences to a car crash?

July 19, 2022 Legal Team
Even though you may assume you are only dealing with physical injuries after a car accident, your mental health can also suffer.Psychological trauma can make it hard to go through daily life. Knowing the signs of this problem can help you identify any emotional or mental issues you are going through.Rumination and overthinkingAccording to...
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