
Responsibility for snow removal on rented property

March 3, 2023 Legal Team
Living in a residence that you have rented from someone else can create some confusing gray areas when it comes to your responsibilities versus those of your landlord.For example, if you live in a rented residence, it may be unclear whether snow removal is your responsibility or your landlord’s. News Channel 20 has received...
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Notable car crash injuries that are not visible

February 24, 2023 Legal Team
If something comes through your skin, you will know that you have experienced an injury from a car crash. You will probably go to a doctor if you have visible damage. However, several injuries are not visible. Any medical professional will warn you about these injuries because they can be dangerous and left untreated...
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How does blood alcohol concentration affect driving?

February 22, 2023 Legal Team
The more you drink, the higher your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) becomes. In addition to taking you over the legal limit and landing you in legal trouble should you get pulled over, an elevated BAC can also affect your driving ability.The more alcohol you drink, the harder it will be to operate your vehicle...
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What should you do after a car accident?

February 3, 2023 Legal Team
No matter how long you have been driving, car accidents are still highly stressful. That is why all motorists must know what steps to take after a car crash, especially when crossing paths with a negligent driver.First and foremost, remain calm as you assess the situation. By allowing cooler heads to prevail, you have...
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