Is Brake Checking Illegal in Illinois?
Brake checking is the act of slamming on the brakes suddenly while driving in front of another vehicle, with the goal of getting the other driver to slam on their brakes or swerve out of the way. Individuals often brake check in order to try to prevent a serious car accident by ensuring there...
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Important Signs of Trauma to Look Out for After a Car Accident
After someone is involved in a car accident, the number one priority is medical assistance. Some injuries caused by a car accident are relatively obvious, while others are not. Here, we want to discuss some of the important signs of trauma individuals should look out for after they have been involved in a vehicle...
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3 Main Steps in a Typical DUI Stop
Traffic stops should follow a procedure. This applies to DUI arrests just as much as it does when an officer stops you for speeding. Many potential questions could arise during these few critical minutes. This article only provides a general overview. 1. The stop The first step in a DUI arrest is the traffic stop. Police...
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Can seat belt syndrome be catastrophic?
As you probably know, motor vehicle accidents are to blame for thousands of injuries and deaths in the U.S. every single year. Wearing your seat belt is one of the more effective ways to stay safe during a crash. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, seat belt usage can reduce your...
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