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Springfield Denied Claim Attorney

Request a Free Consultation

Many people covered by Illinois workers’ compensation insurance are surprised to learn that the employers workers’ compensation insurer has denied their claim. If you live or work in central Illinois and have had your initial workers’ comp claim denied by the workers’ comp insurer, don’t give up. Talk to a Springfield denied claim attorney at Holley, Rosen & Beard, LLC,. We have helped hundreds of injured workers successfully navigate the confusion of a workers’ comp claim. We are confident we can help you.

Denied Workers’ Comp Benefits? We Handle Everything.

Bring in your denied claim letter and let us review your case. The workers’ compensation insurer can often be wrong in their initial evaluation. We can help get your claim accepted and paid. We will explain the process and how we can move your case forward through the workers’ compensation system efficiently and effectively.

Under all circumstances, we will give you an honest assessment of your case. Call us today.

We will work hard to help you, no matter what reason the workers’ compensation insurer gave you for denying your claim:

  • No accident
  • Independent contractor, not an employee
  • Claim not reported in time
  • Injury or illness did not occur in the course of employment
  • Injury or illness did not arise out of employment
  • Did not report a history of work-related accident to medical providers
  • No permanent injury or impairment
  • Unrecognized injury or illness such as post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Noncompensable accident
  • Pre-existing condition
  • Failed to use an approved doctor or establish a medical relationship
  • You opted out of workers’ comp insurance
  • Traveling employee deviated from work-related itinerary

What Should I Do If My Employer’s Workers’ Compensation Insurer Denied My Claim?

Just because a workers’ compensation insurer chooses to deny a claim, it does not mean it is a valid basis for denial by the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission. There is a difference between a workers’ compensation arbitrator denying benefits in a hearing and a workers’ compensation insurance adjuster denying a claim in his or her office. We will answer your questions regarding your denied claim and explain your options for proceeding.

You are counting on workers’ compensation benefits for you and your family. Schedule a free consultation to discuss your case. If you retain us to handle your case, we will charge no attorneys fees unless you recover workers’ compensation benefits. It will cost you nothing to get your questions answered and let us fight for the benefits you need.

Experienced Springfield Attorney For Workers’ Compensation Appeals

If your workers’ comp claim has been denied, don’t hesitate, contact us at our Springfield law offices and learn how our Springfield denied claim attorneys can advise and represent you. Contact us at (217) 544-3368 or (877) 671-5884 to arrange a free initial consultation with our lawyers and professionals.