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Severe traumatic brain injuries increase risk of death

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Posted on March 11, 2020

Car accidents happen every day in Illinois. While many of these accidents result in minor damages, some cause a significant loss for those involved in the collision. Severe traumatic brain injuries result from the force of the accident and can increase the patient’s risk of death.

Medscape states that severe TBI puts people at the highest mortality rates among brain injury patients. The good news is that the mortality rate has decreased even for those suffering from a severe TBI. If the person does not immediately die from a severe brain injury, they may face significant complications within the first year following the injury.

Common causes of death in the first year include septicemia, digestive conditions, seizures and pneumonia. Compared to someone of the same race, age and sex, the person suffering a severe TBI has a higher risk of dying of all external injury causes.

In an article published by the National Institute of Health, life expectancy does decrease but they do not know by how much. The study cites a growing body of research suggesting that a TBI increases long-term mortality rates. Patients suffering from a severe TBI may experience burdens that complicate their lives.

Those over the age of 65 had the highest percentage of mortality rates of any age group. Mortality rates remained higher in those surviving six months after their TBI. These patients typically experience emotional and cognitive changes that could lead to behaviors leading to premature death.

In addition, some injuries can cause disorders that decrease life expectancy due to their nature. Understanding the effects on mortality rates of a TBI can help medical practitioners in their care.